Archives for posts with tag: Beaches

Coastal Colombia

Costeño, Colombia

The journey is always worth it. Even when your travel companion and you are the last ones to board a packed bus and must squeeze into the remaining available seats. Even when, an hour into the five hour journey you turn to each other and say, “Damn, we should have eaten lunch before we boarded.”

Even when you must then take another vehicle to the little pinpoint on your GPS in the black of night and a torrent of rain only to learn (with rising panic) that your destination is nowhere to be found.

Because things usually fall into place. How?

They fall into place when you realize there are planned rest breaks along the way where, for a few thousand pesos (a few bucks in American dollars) you can share a savory arepa and a bag of sliced, salted mango. When the bus finally arrives two hours later and you tumble into a cab with an incredibly patient driver who does not give up on finding your final destination.

They fall into place when you are swinging in a hammock on an old coconut farm, a dash away from the Caribbean. When the sticky sweet scent of your piña colada mingles with the salt air. Above, rolling clouds do their moody thing, while the sun does its sunset thing.

And there you are, sipping a piña colada on the Colombian coast.

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Saturated Saturday is a photo series highlighting some of my favorite images, with editing courtesy of the photo editing apps I like at the moment. These include: VSCO, Instagram, and A Color Story. Most photos taken with iPhone 6s.


I want to be where sand and sea play while the sun radiates overhead. There’s a place I know, where the sun shines brightest and the Pacific, deceivingly inviting makes it all the more alluring. A place where the sand stretches for as long as the sun shines. A place where you can gorge on the spoils of Mother Nature’s buffet if you’re willing to do the prep work.

To get to this place, persistence (and a cooler full of goodies) pays in spectacular sunsets, a sense of awe and a renewed belief in the world beyond our tiny screens.

Read the rest of this entry »

Processed with VSCO with c1 preset

Just your average Thursday in San Diego


It’s been feeling a lot like summer this week, and this photo of my Thursday lunch time surf session certainly captures the sun we’re so lucky to have so much of in San Diego. The water was unusually warm, thanks to El Nino. The sand beneath me stung a little from the heat. Random strands of seaweed tangoed with my board leash, a sea turtle peeked its head up at my 2 o’clock from the shimmering sea. It was a sublime Thursday afternoon.

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Saturated Saturday is a new photo series highlighting some of my favorite images, with enhanced vibrant colors courtesy of the photo editing apps I like at the moment. These include: VSCO, Instagram, A Color Story. Most photos taken with iPhone 5C.