Archives for posts with tag: Spain

For the last several years, the thought of an extended weekend trip never crossed my mind. I was hyperfocused on exploring as slowly as possible. Thanks to my new-ish freelance lifestyle, it was possible for me to work and play for two weeks in Colombia, or most recently, to stretch the limits of the Schengen visa to spend a summer in Europe.

While there, I sampled digital nomad life in a loosely structured environment in Barcelona with Unsettled and learned a lot about myself. Like, how it’s simultaneously distracting and rewarding to live and work from a new place with people who are just as interested and curious about people, pursuing passionate endeavors and new experiences as I am. To be completely transparent, this same experience ate away at my productivity, no thanks (but really thanks) to the cool people I met in the program and all of the horchata, vermut, tapas, sunset strolls, beach days and more.


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Bilbao on the brink of summer

In case you missed it, The Curious Passport has been writing away for other corners of the internets. Travel related things, per usual, like this recent piece for Wanderful:

Bilbao is small, its people are friendly and it’s entirely walkable. For these reasons, this Basque region locale is a perfect primer for more bustling locations like Madrid, or Barcelona. Check it out, let me know what you think if you feel so inclined.

Over on Elite Daily, I offer a few tips for making the most of your hostel stay:



For all of The Curious Passport’s featured words and photos, check them out on my Featured tab here.

And for real-time travel updates, find me on Instagram. In the coming weeks, I’m heading to Sayulita for some surf and sun, and then onto the East Coast to visit friends and family before rooting back down in San Diego for the holidays…or at least that is the plan!